Our Heat Shield Blankets can be made to withstand operating temperatures up to 2000 F (1095 C).
Heat Shield BlanketsPackings
We stock a variety of sizes of shaft and pump packings. Natural Flax, Teflon and Graphite.
PackingsHigh-Temp Textiles
Check out our supply of high temperature heat wrap tapes and fabrics. We also manufacture welding blankets.
High-Temp TextilesFlex Pipes
We stock Stainless Steel Multi-ply flex pipes with 2" weld-on ends. Sizes in stock are 2" – 8".
Flex PipesFabric Structures
Clark Services is BC's official Distributor of Winkler Structures. Standard or Custom buildings can be supplied for your specific needs.
Fabric StructuresTechnical Data
We supply installation procedures, measuring technics and technical data for all our products.
Technical Data